Chapter 4: Chaaaaaatuchak!

The "bowels" of Chatuchak, a term coined by Ayekay. Otherwise known as the internal section of the weekend market. This is where the good shite is, if you know what i mean. Also, unbearably hot and stuffy.
Sidetrack:Chatuchak is a weekend market, easily accessible by train(like the MRT of Singapore). It's basically a huge flea market of sorts, where you can find great bargains. Please wear minimal clothing, and bring plenty of refreshments there to keep your cool.
Personally, i'd recommend Suan Lum night market over Chatuchak anytime. More organised, and cooler (since its at night).
Chatuchak was where Kingkong discovered he had positively inadequate bargaining skills. He heard what Gnin advised them about bargaining the night before. "Slash to a ridiculously low price, and the shop owner should start negotiating with you from there.", was what Gnin said. Kingkong kept that in mind. He found a fake Polo Ralph polo tee (the fake one has four legs instead of three) for his girlfriend's brother, and asked the shopkeeper the price. This was how the conversation went.
Kingkong: How much?
Shop Owner(S.O in short, because it rhymes with a word related to the posterior): Three hand-red and eighty baht.
Kingkong (remembering Gnin's advice): Hundred and ninety baht.
S.O(in a resolute tone): No.
Kingkong was bewildered. The S.O. did not respond the way Gnin said he would. He forked out the three hundred and eighty baht, only to walk to another section of Chatuchak to discover that another shop had the exact same design for ninety-nine baht, sale price. Kingkong did some calculation, and realised he could buy about three such polo tees with the three hundred and eighty baht. Kingkong was fuming mad, and so was Same Same and Iceban, who had also bought shirts from that cheating store.
The guys concluded, at the end of the trip, that somehow girls have never-ending enthusiasm and energy when it comes to shopping, and yet complain a lot, when trekking and walking. The guys never reached the end of Chatuchak. The girls went to the moon and back.
The one shop that really caught Kingkong, and the Circle of Nine's attention were the pet shops that sold puppies.

Dear reader, if you've never seen a group of guys swoon over cute little things like puppies, then you've never met us. Kingkong was appalled at the way the puppies were being kept in small cages. The yelping made it worse. Snakey had to walk away so that he would not be heartbroken by the yelping of the pups.
P.S. This chapter is also dedicated to the death of something memorable to me.
We've walked a long way together,
and finally you decided,
we were not meant for each other.
So you chose the other way.
The damage was done,
and you silently died on me.
In the midst of foreign soil,
rest in peace.
I'll get a new one to replace you.

Goodbye my havaiannas.
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