Chapter 7: Welcome to the Phoar! Beach Resort. aka a scam story.
Phoar Beach Resort, prior to the arrival of the Circle of Nine, was paradise. They were promised the sky and the earth (private bungalow to themselves), the sun the sea and the sand, by a constantly smiling Thai local, who actually commented that Snakey looked like Jay Chou (which could have been one of the reasons why Snakey decided on that package.)
Weary, stinky and dirty beyond belief, the Circle of Nine only hoped to find sanctuary, lazing in the pool and gazing at the sea. Alas, they were in for the scam of their lives.
Phoar! Beach Resort was anything but heaven. Dogs swam in the pool, it looked shady and run down, the toilets were open air and the toilet bowl could move. Worst of all, the bungalow was just two kampung huts, very different from the pictures that conniving tour guide showed them. Tinman wondered: "How the hell are we going to shower if it rains?" Showering in the rain was a novelty.
KingKong was sorely disappointed. He walked out to take a look at the sea wanting to take his troubles away, but the only thing was, there was no sea.
Ok, there was a reservoir of water resembling the sea, but it looked too dehydrated. Perhaps it was the low tide season. He decided to sit on the sand, but there was no sand. Not exactly, but the sand wasn't as fine as he thought it was. It looked like sand imported from East Coast Park. While some of them decided to resign to their fate and stay here, Snakey was discontent.
He said, "Let's find somewhere else."
To which the Circle of Nine gleefully obliged and packed up.
And on they walked, to the tanned gangsta looking guy who drove them to Phoar! Beach Resort.
Snakey said " Can you take us to another beach? We're looking for a taxi."
To which the gangsta man asked in somewhat broken English " Why? Here not nai(nice)?"
It was a hot afternoon, and tempers were running high, except for perhaps Ayekay, who switched to his Nature Boy persona and began patrolling the beach for wildlife.
Snakey retorted "No, we want to find somewhere else. Let my people go."
KingKong began to look up to Snakey, like Snakey was Moses, and the thai driver was the Pharoah.
Then rebutted the "Pharoah", black faced. "Ok, go but i don't fetch you."
To which the Exodus began, and as the Circle of Nine walked, expletives were heard, by some more emotional guys and girls in the group.
Little did they know they would soon be on their way to true paradise, or the Promised Land.
to be continued....