Chapter 8: Welcome to Paradise.
You scratch my back, i scratch yours. This maxim was discovered by KingKong and realised by the Circle of Nine, when desperate, lost, thirsty and with the gangsta thai driver on their trail, they stopped at a nearby kiosk for drinks.
The lady of the kiosk smiled, probably because she made money from all nine of them, and so Snakey decided to try his luck. He asked, while gulping from the ice cold mineral water bottle, "Can you help us find a taxi? We want to go to other beach."
Some of the Circle of Nine were skeptics, and refused to believe that she would actually help, but help she did, and the Circle of Nine were soon on a taxi back to somewhere near the port, on a quest to find a paradise in a foreign land.
And paradise they found indeed. The sweetness of victory. They almost kissed the ground beneath them when they alighted.
And therefore, dear reader, remember. You scratch someone's back, yours will be scratched in the end. Its karma.
PS: This photo could easily be mistaken for a still shot of a Taiwanese Idol Drama, but its actually what materialises when you find your heaven on earth. You find your youth and happiness again.
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