Chapter 9: Found. Happyness. Where? At this place...
There were so many pictures that we can choose from, all looking so very happy.
Be it iceban, dragonlady, same same, snakey... everyone was just. Happy.
Cos we're there.
We're in paradise, having a good lunch, in a reggae inspired kick ass wooden hut, with soft cushions, refreshing wind, and the knowledge that we left hell behind.
Hell that started with the long winding road that greeted us when we forged ahead in our exodus from Phroar Beach resort to the leeching, unethical bus driver that hounded our every step waiting for a chance to pounce on us upon the first signs of fatigue.
But we made it.
And I present to you all.
Angel Beach. (correct me if I'm wrong kingkong) aka Paradise.
That were so much to do there, so much to say. But given the lack of time(tinman has to go shit), much more will be revealed.
One of the things that we were able to do in Paradise. Why?
There's an existence of a thingy what is commonly termed as a "Swimming Pool" in paradise.
In hell(Phroar Resort), the only pool you will get is probably a pool of mud.
Anyway, I present to you, the 3 Stooges...
Till next time. Tinman out...
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