Chapter 5: Runaway train...

There goes the choo choo train(not a direct reference to Mr Same Same I hope...).
The journey of a thousand miles start with a single step, and in our case, it started with a freaking train ride.
The first of many to come....
But anyway, the gang of 9 were at this point, still fresh and excited in the land of smiles that a train ride was still... well, interesting.
Here's the 8 of us, with the exception of the camera(wo)man Griang. Looking at this picture and the number of people behind us, I have no friggin' idea why she didn't just ask anyway to take the damn picture for us.
Scene from Harry's.. I mean Harry Potter?
Not exactly.
This was the friggin' train that we were supposed to take, and someone - either Iceban or Gnin - had the 'bright' idea of taking the train's approach.
*The bad lighting makes this thing look like something out of a bad horror show.
Reasons for taking the night train?
1. We can save time, since its a 12+ ride, taking in the day will mean giving up shopping time, sightseeing time etc.
2. We can save $$ on accomodation.
3. We won't arrive in some ungodly hours where there will be NO FERRY for us to take.
For guys like me, Kingkong, Snakey and Ayekay who can fall asleep at the drop of the pants, it makes no difference. But for the rest... ain't exactly my problem eh?
Ironically, the one who got the most sleep in the train ride was....Yups.
*The hand belonged to the hands itchy Miss Gnin. The eye shades/cover/patch belonged to me.
Price of Blue Adidas Jacket: $80-100
Price of eye shades/cover/patch: Free(kop-ed from SIA)
Price of catching Iceban sleeping like a pig with Gnin's 'victory' sign on the head: Priceless
Nothing much happend on the train ride.
Well, except for the part where one had to balance himself precariously in the toilet to enjoy a few minutes of smoke induced ecstasy and the li'l incident where Kingkong and I while enjoying our fag in the toilet and the wind blew the hot ashes into Kingkong's eyes.
Oh, and they provided some food and drinks. Somewhat akin to those provided in airplanes. Only much worse.
We had... supper and breakfast, if you call those thingys(with the exception of the pizza-like bun) food.
Nothing much.
Oh, and my next phone is going to be a Nokia phone with Symbian technology.
Cos Snakey realised his phone, a Nokie 7610 had a function that allowed us to know where exactly we were.
Way cool..........
We didn't realised the power of such technology until DragonLady discovered that the service provider line thingy you see on the screen changes everytime we reached a station. Ie to say: There's a freaking GPS tracking device embedded in the freaking phone!!!
This device came in handy throughout the trip, for not only were we able to discern where we were, it also meant that we saved ourselves the trouble of craning our damn necks everytime we reach a station to find out where we were....
Way way cool...
Ultimately, the biggest thing I realised in the train ride was that I couldn't start my day without Ayekay saying something to totally f**k it up.
Me: Hey look, there're cows along the tracks!
Ayekay: Eh? *takes a look
Me: Cool huh...
Ayekay: Hey, you think they have some kind of alarm that will signal the train driver if the cows go on the tracks?
Me: Erm.. I don't think so bah...
Ayekay: Then what you think will happen ah? The train run over them and we get minced meat???
Me: OH GAWD!!!!
And so, the train rumbles on...
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